The Miller Analogies Test (MAT) is a high-level mental ability test requiring the solution of problems stated as
analogies that is an excellent options for candidates applying to a graduate programs that accept MAT scores. The MAT
measures your ability to recognize relationships between ideas, fluency in the English language and general knowledge of
the humanities, natural sciences, mathematics and social sciences.
It consists of 120 partial analogies (100 scored) that are to be completed in 60 minutes. The questions are presented in an equation format (Term A : Term B :: Term C : Term D or Term A is related to Term C in the same way Term B is related to Term D).
Each analogy has two objectives:
Make sure you are prepared for your Miller Analogies Test (MAT). McRee Learning Center can help.
It consists of 120 partial analogies (100 scored) that are to be completed in 60 minutes. The questions are presented in an equation format (Term A : Term B :: Term C : Term D or Term A is related to Term C in the same way Term B is related to Term D).
Each analogy has two objectives:
- Relationship Types
- Semantic: meaning, definition, synonym, antonym, contract, degree, intensity, word parts, expressions
- Classification: hierarchy, classification, category, membership, whole/part
- Association: object/characteristic, order, sequence, transformation, agent/object, creator/creation, function, purpose
- Logical/Mathematical: mathematical equivalence, letter or sound patterns
- Content Areas
- General: culture, work, business, life experience
- Humanities: history, fine art, literature, philosophy, religion, music
- Mathematics: numerical, quantitative, computation
- Language: vocabulary, word meanings, grammar, usage
- Natural Sciences: biology, chemistry, physics, ecology, astronomy
- Social Sciences: psychology, sociology, economics, political science, anthropology
Make sure you are prepared for your Miller Analogies Test (MAT). McRee Learning Center can help.