College Placement Exam are used in subjects like math and English to check the academic skill levels of entering students. Then the college can place each student in classes at the right level.

Almost all two-year colleges and many public four-year colleges require new students to take at least one placement test when they first get to campus. Some private four-year colleges also use these tests. Community colleges — most of which admit all students with a high school degree — tend to rely on these tests because their entering students can have very different skill levels. Your test results may mean that you can skip some introductory courses. Or they can show that you need more preparation before taking on college-level work.

Colleges use several common placement tests. The tests usually measure skills in Math, Reading, and Writing. Some colleges also offer placement tests in foreign languages and areas of science. Some placement tests are given on computers, and some give you your scores as soon as you finish. Several states and individual colleges have developed their own placement tests. College Placement Exams typically have 20 multiple choice questions for each subject and are administered by the school you are attending.

Make sure you are prepared for your College Placement Exam. McRee Learning Center can help.
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