An Advanced Oncology Certified Clinical Nurse Specialist (AOCNS) is a member of the nursing profession with
graduate-level expertise in the care of patients with advanced forms of cancer. The AOCNS specialist is involved in all
aspects of care, from assessment to treatment to management of outcomes.
The certification test a three-hour, 165 multiple-choice question test is based on the AOCNS® Test Content Outline (Test Blueprint). The Test Content Outline is based on the results of a role delineation study of advanced oncology nursing practice completed in 2014.
The AOCNS Test Content Outline includes eleven major subject areas, each with a percentage assigned to it. Many nurses who have passed the test tell us the Test Content Outline was essential in helping them know what areas to study. Remember, only generic drug names are used on ONCC tests. Once you pass the exam, your certification is valid for four years.
AOCNS examinations are offered throughout the year. Candidates will apply at any time they meet the eligibility criteria. AOCNS candidates should allow 4–6 weeks following application to receive their Authorization to Test (ATT), which will confirm eligibility to test and contain the information needed to make a testing appointment. The ATT will be valid for 90 days. It is the candidate’s responsibility to schedule a testing appointment and take the test prior to the expiration of the ATT.
Make sure you are prepared for your Advanced Oncology Certified Clinical Nurse Specialist (AOCNS) TEST. McRee Learning Center can help.

The certification test a three-hour, 165 multiple-choice question test is based on the AOCNS® Test Content Outline (Test Blueprint). The Test Content Outline is based on the results of a role delineation study of advanced oncology nursing practice completed in 2014.
The AOCNS Test Content Outline includes eleven major subject areas, each with a percentage assigned to it. Many nurses who have passed the test tell us the Test Content Outline was essential in helping them know what areas to study. Remember, only generic drug names are used on ONCC tests. Once you pass the exam, your certification is valid for four years.
AOCNS examinations are offered throughout the year. Candidates will apply at any time they meet the eligibility criteria. AOCNS candidates should allow 4–6 weeks following application to receive their Authorization to Test (ATT), which will confirm eligibility to test and contain the information needed to make a testing appointment. The ATT will be valid for 90 days. It is the candidate’s responsibility to schedule a testing appointment and take the test prior to the expiration of the ATT.
Make sure you are prepared for your Advanced Oncology Certified Clinical Nurse Specialist (AOCNS) TEST. McRee Learning Center can help.